Monday, September 13, 2010

The darndest things

Isn't it hilarious when little kids say things that they probably don't understand?

Answer: yes.

Don't get me wrong, I am not referring to Bill Cosby's version of the kids say the darndest things.
Of course some kid would say something weird to a goofy sounding black dude while at the same time being in front of a camera.

I am talking about when they say things that are just straight up crazy. Like when a kid learns a cuss word and decides it is the best idea ever imagined to repeat it about thirty times. This especially cracks me up. Some little dumbfuck kid running around and screaming "Fuck, fuck, fuck" just somehow seems hilarious to me. Anyway, not a gigantic entry to the blog, but just something I decided would be a great idea to get off my chest.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Lovely Ambition

Writing in a blog is a personal act and at the same time something that is intensely public. While bloggers worldwide pour their thoughts out onto a blank and receiving canvas, there is also the possibility(and in some cases the actuality) of someone reading your thoughts.

Now, doesn't that seem egotistical? In one sense it is the epitome of egotism; the idea that your thoughts are meaningful enough to warrant someone's adulation or even attention.

I have resolved myself to not get sucked into the fantasy most played out in the blogosphere. This is, of course, the idea that people give a shit about what you say. With that said, here I go.

My blog entry today consists of a few things. I will enumerate them for the congregation(LOL):

1. I will state that my day of nothing was fantastic.
2. Signing off because it is late. FURREAL.

1. Days of nothingness are, on the whole, drastically underrated. When I write nothingness, I do not truly mean ABSOLUTELY nothing. What I do mean is that a day of taking time to yourself to be with yourself or perhaps a loved one is time well spent. Whether you are reading a book, watching a movie, or even taking a well deserved nap, keep in mind that life is short and you might as well enjoy it. There are certain influences out there that would lead you to believe that a day of nothing is a day wasted. These people are dickheads.

Of course everyday cannot consist of nothingness, otherwise how would we ever get anything done? But if you listen to the dickheads, and this they are, then you would be led to believe that a day where no work was put in is a day that was wasted. This is intrinsically false and will lead you down a dark road where you put your work in front of everything else in life. This is a trap many fall into and can't drag themselves out of. Don't do it.

2. Well, I guess this is where I sign off. I will commence work on writing in actuality tomorrow and I hope it doesn't suck. Send me yo BEST WISHES!