Monday, June 16, 2008

Steve Wilkos

Last night as I was watching a lecture and concurrently keeping my eye on the television, I managed to catch part of a show know as "The Steve Wilkos Show". At that point I was not paying attention to either of those things but then suddenly I heard a torrent of abusive language pour out of my television. Steve Wilkos was, I guess, yelling at the top of his lungs at some hispanic pedophile.

I paused from watching lecture and began to watch this neo-Nazi inquisitor go about his systematic abuse of the pedophile. While I realize the guy he was yelling at is scum, the way he looked while yelling and the way it was done was pretty whack. I did some research on the guy and apparently he's a sideshow act to The Jerry Springer show; kinda like Dr. Phil on roids.

After I had finished watching this display, I knew what Wilkos had reminded me of... an angry penis!

Especially when he gets all mad and starts spitting at people. I bet his audience consists of gay men and lonely women. Otherwise I don't see at all what pleasure one could derive from seeing a penis headed bitch spit all over his guests.

***DISCLAIMER*** I do not support pedophilia or pedophiles


Lydia said...

Well I think that child molesters deserve the worst treatment go wilkes. I am for castration, or the worst torture for anyone who would ruin a childs' life in that way. sick!

Gregarious Guzzlefish said...

I just don't like Wilkos. You have to see him. He just sucks.